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Buj empowers your

Remote Teams

Chat Spontaneously

Unique features like Virtual Desk and Team Meeting Rooms allow for communications to be as spontaneous as they are in person. A user can turn on their virtual desk and essentially have a virtual office, during which any team member can reach out or stop by for a chat. Team Meeting Rooms are secure virtual meeting rooms where team members can meet at any time.

Share POV

Screen recording with commentary allows users to quickly share their POV with other team members. This feature especially helps in use cases like QA and Helpdesk where you want to communicate some particular behavior you are observing with someone else.

Record Action Items

Video/audio calling allows not only to quickly communicate with other team members but it also automatically creates a post where you can record notes, action items, and track followups after the meeting. These calls can also be treated as tasks aligned with objectives – e.g. doing an interview with a candidate can easily be managed, including evals, and aligning it with team growth objectives.


Achieve business objectives

with focused teams





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